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Problems sleeping? Why a designer mattress is not the solution

Oz Media. (2022). Sleep-solutions. [Photograph].

In this post, I will explore changes in the body that result in lower sleep quality as we age and how popular, celebrity-sponsored sleep “solutions” are not always the answer.

As adults age, they experience a range of changes to their bodies.  Some of those changes directly affect the quality and quantity of sleep they get.  While it may be easy to see an ad on TV and think, “This is the miracle solution I was looking for!” rarely do those quick fixes work. 

Dr. Mehmet Oz, a celebrity doctor, is well known for his miracle-diet solutions and his seemingly endless knowledge covering every aspect of health and wellness; however, buying a mattress endorsed by a doctor is not a solution that will work for many people to fix, or at least improve their sleep woes.

Oz Media. (2022). Homepage. [Photograph].

As we age, numerous changes occur in our bodies resulting in lower quality sleep.  These changes include a reduction in the total time and quality of sleep, more waking up during the night, and an increase in abnormal breathing events, including sleep apnea and snoring (Touhy & Jett, 2020).  Sleep disturbances can also lead to a rise in depression in older adults (Abraham et al., 2016). Medications, total activity level, and environmental changes (like construction in the area or a streetlight) can also negatively affect sleep (Touhy & Jett, 2020).  Poor sleep can also lead to adults self-medicating to improve their sleep quality (Mesquite de Carvalho et al., 2019).

When considering celebrity-endorsed and promoted products, it is often essential to look at the evidence instead of the testimonials of consumers.  Testimonials are the reports of consumers on their reactions to using a product.  Testimonials can be paid or voluntary, meaning that a raving review of a product may have resulted from the reviewer being paid for their positive review.

Instead of solely following the advice of a celebrity doctor or the testimonials of other consumers, it is often necessary to look at the science that supports the use of a product.  When you’re thinking about science, you’re probably not thinking about how the mattress you plan on buying will be scientifically tested.  Fear not; there are reputable places to find information on buying a mattress.  An article by Caggiari et al. (2021) provides a literature review of mattresses that can be used to avoid back pain and improve sleep quality.  The report suggests that a mattress with medium firmness may help alleviate back, shoulders, and neck pain.

More important, perhaps, than being well-informed and researching before buying a mattress to improve your sleep would be a conversation with your doctor about the problems you are experiencing that are causing sleep problems.  Being open and honest with your doctor about your restless legs, frequent bathroom trips during the night, or ongoing back and shoulder pain may be more beneficial than purchasing a mattress with a celebrity endorsement.  Finding the root of the problem causing your sleep disturbance will be more helpful in having more quality, restful sleep in the long run.


Abrham, O., Pu, J., Schleiden, L. J., & Albert, S. M. (2016, December 9). Factors contributing to poor satisfaction with sleep and healthcare seeking behavior in older adults. Sleep Health. Retrieved September 11, 2022, from

Caggiari, G., Talesa, G. R., Toro, G., Jannelli, E., Monteleone, G., & Puddu, L. (2021). What type of mattress should be chosen to avoid back pain and improve sleep quality? Review of the literature. Journal of orthopaedics and traumatology : official journal of the Italian Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology22(1), 51.

Mesquita de Carvalho, K., Fortes Figueiredo, M. do L., Galindo Neto, N. M., & de Moura Sá, G. G. (2019). Construction and validation of a sleep hygiene booklet for the elderly. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem72, 214–220.

Oz Media. (2022). Sleep-solutions. [Photograph].

Oz Media. (2022). Homepage. [Photograph].

Touhy, T.A., & Jett, K. (2020). Ebersole & Hess' Toward healthy aging: Human needs and nursing responses (10th ed.). Elsevier.
